Saturday, 29 September 2007

Is Ugly Betty a good role model for young women?

On the one hand, I think it's GREAT that there's a show that has a strong, young female lead as a character. Not enough of those since things like My So Called Life disappeared...and junk like that Pepper Dennis show is really just an excuse to have people ogle supermodels like Rebecca Romijn.

But from what it sounds like, Ugly Betty could be a venue for some interesting portrayals/representations of femininity etc.

But what I'm a little uneasy about is the whole "ugly" thing. Because first of all it plays into the idea that what this character looks doesn't match up with the accepted, common definition of "pretty"...and that there are two kinds of women in the world: pretty ones and ugly ones.
I also feel a leeetle queasy about what's going to be in store for Betty. LIke, are they going to let her stay "ugly" yet somehow validate her for that? Or will she have to follow the Devil-Wears-Prada-Mean-Girls-She's-All-That evolution set out in so many movies etc, where she morphs into the epitome of pretty..but still keeps enough of herself to still be HER.

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