Sunday, 19 August 2007

Media Proposal

Title: To what extent have the representations of women changed with particular reference to ‘Ugly Betty’ (2006, Silvio Horta)?

The role of women has changed as in ‘Ugly Betty’ the protagonist is independent, working and she also challenges the idea of conventional beauty.

usually features a close up of Betty’s face
I: women should be feminine and attractive
G: comedy/romance
R: Betty is represented as a geek while Amanda is represented as a stereotypically blonde ditzy girl
I: channel 4
N: tends to be Betty saving the day and her boss always relying on her

Wider Context
relates with the issue of image obsession
Historical: women were discriminated against in the world of work but this has changed. Also, before females had a passive role yet ‘Ugly Betty’ shows the protagonist Betty to have a more active role.
Economical: more females are the breadwinners and this is reflected in ‘Ugly Betty’ where Betty takes on the breadwinner role as she is the main source of income.

Feminist: idea of patriarchal society
Functionalist: idea of female staying at home and having the more traditional role of being a housewife.
Laura Mulvery: ‘male gaze’

Other text:
Desperate Housewives
Sex and the City
Kill Bill
The Devil Wears Prada

What to research:
‘Representing Women’-MacDonald, Myra (1995)
Laura Mulvery
Debates on ‘Ugly Betty’ focusing on image
‘The Changing Role of Women’- Loon, Borin Van and Sardar, Ziauddin (2002)

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