Friday, 19 October 2007

10 key words

1) Alienation: marxist term for the emotional separation of workers from the product of their own labour as a result of complex mass production processes.
useful: many charcters are shown to be alienated

2)Angle: the point of view adopted by a journalist in relation to a story.
useful: low angled shots are used to many characters look powerful

3) channel 4: independet commercial channel
useful: ugly betty is shown on channel 4

4) connotation: a meaning attributable to an image beyond the obvious denotational level.
useful: there are many connotations in ugly betty

5)male gaze: term used by Laura Mulvey to describe what she saw as the male point of view adopted by camera for the benefit of an assumed male audience.
useful: females are seen as objects which links with the male gaze.

6) scheduling: the pratice of placing programmes on television in such a way to meet the expectation of particular audiences and to maxinise viewing and figures.
useful: ugly betty is scheduled to come on at 9pm which is after watershed hours.

7)series: a television narrative that presents self-contained weekly episodes using a recurring set of characters.
Useful: ugly betty comes on every fridays.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Hey Pardeep,
could you be my blog buddy? I think that our independent studies are similar as we are both discussing how the representations of women have changed.I also feel that we have both got some really useful theorists, websites, stereotypes of women etc that we can both share with one another.
